Google Glass And Autism – Improving Lives

Google Glass might  help  those suffering of mild autism, so now the giant search engine is searching ways to adapt Glass to their needs, even though as a Glass explorer who is also suffering from this disorder says, the Glass is already doing a change as it is.

The explorer we are talking about is Paul Louden, age 32, diagnosed with Asperger syndrome said he is currently seeking ways to integrate the device in his life and discover new ways to help others overcome their symptoms easier. He was so intrigued by the device that he couldn’t wait for it to be released on the mass market and paid the $1,500 Explorer price.

Louden sees Glass as a wearable computer which is ingeniously designed so that it would not be a bother to wear, and would be quite handy when needed. He compared it to the rearview mirror of a car, explaining that if you want to look at it, you do, but if you don’t you can enjoy the view and pay attention to the road, as it won’t get in front of you.

One of the main symptoms of the Asperger syndrome is the short-term memory loss and people fighting the disease could have trouble remembering things they’d planned or talked about. Here is where Glass can help: by programming the device to send reminders, the users could manage easier their daily schedule and not worry about forgetting chores or even more important things, such as meetings, events, birthdays and so on.

And the best part about Glass after all, is that giving it a task is just as simple as saying “Ok Glass, remind me to do the laundry after lunch”. When that time has arrived, Glass will alert you through a small sound and tell you to do your laundry.

Louden also pointed out another way in which Glass could help people dealing with autism disorders. For instance, people that have a very hard time dealing with difficult situations could be assisted on the spot through the Google Hangout video chat feature.

Glass could help initiate a lot of changes and even help improve lives, however its current price of $1,500 and even the launch (rumored) price is a bit spicy for a lot of potential buyers. Louden said that he will try to grow his project in 2014 and maybe lower the device’s price to nearly $400, which he believes to be the right price for Google’s wearable.