Google Glass Has Won Awards From LaptopMag and CNN

It’s that time of the year when publication start giving awards for the best gadgets and game changers. And it seems like Google Glass made the list on both CNN and LaptopMag, being considered one of the best invention.

LaptopMag considers Google Glass a game changer, among some other devices, like Motorola Moto X, Nokia Lumia 1020, Amazon Kindle Fire HDX, Oculus Rift (which is somehow similar to Glass), Leap Motion, Pebble or Vine. It’s good to see that a beta device, that isn’t even widely available, managed to win rewards and make so much buzz. This leads us to believe that it’s going to be very popular once Google decides to make it available for everyone.

CNN considers Glass the #6 best invention of 2013 and we noticed that once again Oculus Rift is present here too, on the 8th position.

This means Google did a very good job at promoting Glass through word-of-mouth mostly and it keeps people interesting by only offering Glass to a limited number of customers. Glass 2.0 has been released recently, carrying the same price tag of $1,500 and the company is now able to ship more devices than before, though the number is still very limited.

We expect the official version to be released in Q1-Q2 2014, with a much lower price tag. It should then be available on Google’s Play Store and available for everyone based in the US. According to most rumors, Glass should cost between $300 and 400, coming with prescription lenses too, which could make it more useful than before.

The customer edition should come with major improvements, from design to weight and features, as the current one is built especially for developers, as Google is going to need a decent app store once Glass goes public.