Google Glass UK , Canada, Australia And Japan Release Date

If at first you couldn’t have bought a Google Glass device if you weren’t a developer with a bullet proof development plan for the headset, now you can easily purchase one directly from Google at the same price of $1,500; of course you still have to fulfill two requirements, meaning you must be at least 18 years old and be a United States resident.

As you remember, when Glass first appeared, there were a lot of requirements to fulfill but Google started dropping them as Glass became more known in the world, and from exclusive developer access, they extended the availability to contest winners and friend referrals, until they finally allowed every US citizen to buy their device, which by the way, is still under the disclaimer that it hasn’t been widely released and it is only being used by a small niche of customers.

Sources close to Google have mentioned, among others, that the search giant is planning to make the Glass Explorer program internationally available and that the official announcement regarding this matter will be made during this year’s I/O conference, which will take place on June’s 25th and 26 in San Francisco. What we know now, is that UK will be the first country from Europe that will enjoy Glass, and despite our attempts, we couldn’t find out if other countries will be included in the program right from the beginning. However, we believe that other English-speaking countries such as Australia, Canada and so on, will also be included in this stage of Glass’s release.

Another rumored location, but also not officially confirmed, is Japan. The insight that allowed us to believe Google is heading that way too, is the file included in GlassVoice.apk, which provides bits of information such as Japanese Java Locale’s and some Japanese voice commands.

Unfortunately, we couldn’t find out if along with the release, Glass’s price will go down or if it will be sold at the same price of $1,500. Either way, don’t get your hopes up: if people buy it at this amount of money, it is unlikely for Google to lower the price. Instead, especially if you’re in UK, you’d better check the legislation and see in which conditions you can use Google Glass. In 2013, the UK government was getting ready to ban Glass usage while driving because it could be a distraction, as well as a few other states in US which did ban the use of the device while driving.

Will you buy Google Glass as soon as it’s available in your country or are you decided to wait for a price meltdown? Tell us in the comment section below.